SEO Tips for Organic Traffic

7 Advanced SEO Tips for Organic Traffic 

There is no alternative to Search Engine Optimisation when you need to boost your website’s online presence. Basic SEO plans will help improve your ranking in search engine result pages (SERPs). However, you could still have some loopholes in SEO strategies that you may have missed or are unaware of. They may weigh down the benefits of SEO.

SEO Tips for Organic Traffic

What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation or SEO is the technique to improve keyword/keyphrase rankings in the search engine result pages (SERPs).  

Applying a well thought out SEO strategy will help you to increase your online visibility, gain quality traffic, increase sales, leads, and experience overall growth in search engine rankings. 

How Important is SEO in 2022-23?  

A proper SEO plan could revolutionize online traffic and vastly improve websites or businesses’ online presence. Almost 61% of marketers today consider SEO one of the core vitals to online success (Safari digital). Consequently, modern companies allocate more than 41% in SEO in their marketing plans. 

We have observed a significant increase in online shopping, live streaming, zoom meetings, e-commerce, marketing, and more during the past few years. SEO has been crucial in the years 2020 and 2021. SEO in 2022 may emerge on a much bigger scale due to the massive dependency online. 

Advanced SEO Tips for Organic Traffic   

Advanced SEO tips for organic traffic

Applying basic SEO strategies would help, however introducing more advanced SEO techniques would allow a website to gain better results. 

We have 7 advanced SEO tips for organic traffic. These strategies will help you better implement SEO techniques for an excellent outcome.  

Creating original and quality content for the website is one of the basic rules of SEO. However, you may still find missing elements that need addressing to establish better SEO. 

1. Improve the quality of the existing content

Firstly, ensure that you have used the primary and secondary keywords ideally in the content. The primary keyword should be on the landing page, while the secondary keywords should come naturally in the inner website pages. 

Secondly, while writing your content, you need to produce quality content that offers excellent value and engagement to your visitors. Focusing only on search engine algorithms and keyword stuffing is no longer the way to rank your website, you must avoid this at all costs. When you only target search engines, your content may miss the ideas to grasp users’ attention. Google has already made it clear that content for websites needs to be informative, relevant, and understandable to its audience. 

Finally, the proper use of heading and subheadings is crucial as it gives the search engines a better understanding of content, hence helping to boost ranking. 

If you would like further tips on how to structure your content sign up to our mailing list click here for a SEO content writing and management service


2. Use URL that is short and descriptive

It is an essential part of SEO how you structure the URLs of your content. Ensure that you include one or more of your keywords in the URL. 

In addition, from reading the URL, your audience should get the gist of the content that you have inside your website. 

Once again, make sure the URLs are short and do not exceed 60 characters.  

3. Backlink should be from a high authority website

Backlinks are one of the crucial factors when it comes to SEO. The term backlinking refers to when other websites link to your web pages for a source of information. It gives the search engines an idea that you are an authority among other websites. 

Nevertheless, only high quality backlinks can help you in this regard. You can reach out to quality websites, publishers or look out for those who link less deserving content—direct these linkers to your site.  

You could also offer something to get a backlink. This is called link baiting and can be in the form of an infographic, listicle or even a blog post. Websites that would want to link to your content will then contact you for permission. You could also ask other websites to link to your content.  

However, your content should be rich with relevant and updated information. Research the top-tier websites or include original data to enhance your content quality.  

Would you like further tips on how to create backlinks that are powerful for your niche? sign up to our mailing list click here for a SEO content writing and management service. 

4. Build content considering featured snippets in SERPs

Featured snippets are the displayed answers to a query on the SERPs. Users can get a basic understanding of a topic simply by reading it. It is significant for organic search results. 

It is an excellent idea to build as much content as possible on the snippets of search engines. However, the answer should be “semantically relevant” to the keyword or the users’ question. It means to use related keywords of the snippet in the response instead of directly stating the keyword word by word.  

Also, use specific code if necessary to let the search engine know that you have answered a snippet query. 

5. Address issues related to slow page loading   

The slow loading of a page is a significant factor that negatively impacts SEO and increases users’ bounce rate. A poor loading time would compel the users to turn back, even if they landed on your first page successfully. 

Use Google Page speed Insights, a free tool to identify the page loading speed of your web pages. Examine the mobile site speed as well. 

Do a thorough review of your website to find the factors dragging down the loading time. It could be as simple as an unnecessary plugin. Restructuring your website will be an excellent solution to this problem. 

Click here If you do not have the time or need support with Low loading pages you can contact us and we will be happy to help you.  

6. Repurpose written content with videos

There are a few different methods for repurposing video content. Making a blog article into a video is one option. You can also create video tutorials based on your existing content or create summary videos of your longer videos. Finally, you can also create motion graphics or animated videos based on your content. 

When creating videos based on your existing content, it is essential to keep in mind the key points you want to get across. Think about what questions people might have after watching your video, and then answer those questions in your video tutorial. When creating summary videos, focus on the most critical points that you covered in the original video. 

In addition, you can create a video transcript of your existing content and post it along with the original article. This not only provides valuable keywords for search engines to the index but also gives users the option to consume your content in whichever format they prefer. 

Another option is to create an audio recording of your content and post that along with a written transcript. This again provides value for those who prefer to consume audio content, as well as written transcripts for search engine spiders to index. 

Studies show that publishers who use video on their content gain 41% extra traffic. Also, video helps increase 157% of organic traffic in search engine result pages (SERPs). 

7. Keep an eye on Google algorithm updates

If you expect the Google algorithm to be the same as 5 years ago, you are wrong. Google is constantly updating its algorithm regulations in response to the online platform’s trends. Google may fail to differentiate a quality website from a mediocre one without improving algorithm structure. 

If you do not keep up with the newest Google algorithm ideas, expect to fall behind or get penalized for your actions. If you consistently keep an eye on algorithms, you will have insights into improving your website ranking. 

Subscribe to websites and forums on recent and impending updates of the Google algorithm. Use Google’s search console community, Google analytics, and SEMrush. 

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Apart from the basic knowledge of SEO, advanced SEO techniques could help you grow your website better and obtain excellent results online. 

Here we have 7 advanced SEO tips for organic traffic. Hopefully, you can step up your SEO game by implementing these advanced and effective strategies. We have limited availability to take on new clients If you would like us to review your current SEO strategy or manage your SEO then please fill in this form to see if we would be able to take you on as a client. 

 Sign up to our mailing list we have articles coming up covering various related topics such as on-page optimisation, long-tail keywords, local SEO, keyword phrases.


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